A Word From The Experts Speakers Series (Session 2)

Topic: Scaling and growing your business by selling through channel partners

About this course

Topic: Scaling and growing your business by selling through channel partners

Format: Video Recording (held on 24 May 2022, 3pm - 4pm)

Language: English

Cyberport community start-ups


- Mr John Liu | Co-Owner & Associate Director of Digital Transformation (IoT) | HKBN Enterprise Solutions
- Ms Juliana Lam | Co- Owner & Head of Business Solutions| HKBN Enterprise Solutions


- Mr Joseph Koc  |  ECAG Committee Member of Cyberport | Adjunct Associate Professor of HKUST


An amazing product that is technically superior with the right channels to the market will always be a hit. Sometimes we may see that a large company with a better distribution system launches something far inferior and still wins. Go-to-Market is about Connecting the Dots, Orchestration, and Alignment. A startup is a company designed to grow fast. A lot of knowledge and experience we should like to share on how channel partners contribute to design a Go-to-market and build your growth machine comes from venture capital investors and other people since their high-risk investments focus on companies that have high growth potential and HKBN was a local startup too back to Year 2000 before the term of Unicorn popularised.

Take-away Highlight:

Understanding Go-to-Market strategy as a function of the primacy of sales or marketing is paramount to quickly establish whether a sales-intensive or marketing-intensive product that is being brought to the market and associate with a various fits e.g. Product Channel, Channel Model and Market Fits. 


Self-paced, Under 2 hours
No credit


Deadline: 31 Dec 2024