What to learn in this workshop?
1. How to get your finance data ready for investors?
2. What is corporate governance?
3. Key elements of internal team management and team building
4. Factors affecting / will change your budget
5. What are some key areas that investors will look at on your budget?
6. How to create a business budget by Excel spreadsheet?
Date: 13-14 August 2024
Time: 09:30 – 17:30
Venue: Oval Room, Smart-Space FinTech 1, Level 6, Core E, Cyberport 3
Format: Lecture + Group Discussion + Presentation + Practice Tasks
Language: English
Speaker: Mr. Frenda So
1 Regular price:
HK$4,960 per head.
2. 20% discount price to Smart-Space Tenants:
HK$3,968 per head.
Refundable commitment fee to Cyberport community members (i.e. Cyberport incubatees, CCMF grantees, Cyberport Alumni:
HK$300 per head
- 100% refund to eligible participants according to
Cyberport Academy attendance policy- Please obtain the discount code by sending email to training@cyberport.hk.
Use of Promotion Code - In desktop version, you can input the code by clicking "Enroll Now" --> "Pay with Credit Card" --> "Add Promotion Code"
- In mobile version, You can input the code by clicking "Enroll Now" --> "Pay with Credit Card" --> "View details" --> "Add Promotion Code"
*Cyberport reserves the right to charge the original price if applicants use a discount code that does not belong to his/her category.
*All monies collected will be used for Cyberport’s public mission start-up events and activities.
About CIMA
"The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants® (CIMA), founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants. CIMA helps individuals and businesses to succeed by harnessing the full power of management accounting – not just accounting for the balance sheet, but accounting for business.
Together with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), we established the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation in 2012 to provide members with a new level of resources and recognition. In 2017, members of CIMA and AICPA formed the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants to unite and strengthen the accounting profession globally. Representing an influential network of more than 650,000 members and students in management and public accounting, the Association prepares accountants for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities."